Edu Explorer is your one-stop place to discover the very best teachers for children from the age of 4-10 years old!
Curated by Ivy League graduates, and taught by the very best, carefully selected faculty, Edu Explorer is an education platform that will meet all your child needs! Combining both academic and non-academic subjects, we aim to strike a perfect balance for your child to develop into a Lifelong Learner.
Let your child find their passion as they explore our lessons on, baking, art, craft, music, languages, storytelling, creative writing, and much more!
Stay up to date and check out all the latest news, lessons and our live session on our Instagram handle!
What is Edu Explorer?
Edu Explorer is your one-stop solution, for you to discover the best teachers, conducting the most fun and education lessons for your child. The teachers and lessons are carefully curated by Ivy League graduates to help develop your child into a lifelong learner!
Will the lessons be live?
We have various lessons, some will be prerecorded and some will be live. All the live lessons will also be recorded, so in case you miss anything you can go back and check them out again!
Are parents supposed to watch?
Parents are more than welcome to watch, and participate with their children as well! All the classes however are catered to children, and taught by specialist teachers so it won’t be required for a parent to be present!
What classes are available?
Currently, we have our live and completely interactive art class about to begin, we also have an entire library of lessons available for you to watch!